English Language ....  

Let's face it:

English is a stupid language.

there is no egg in the eggplant,

no ham in the Hamburger,

and neither pine nor apple in the pineapple,

and French fries were not invented in France.


We sometime take English for granted,

but if we examine its paradoxes, we find that

quicksand takes you down slowly„

boxing rings are square,

and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.


How can

the weather be as hot as hell on one day, and as cold as hell, on another?

you have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language where a house can burn up as it burns down,

and in which you fill out a form, by filling it in.

let's face it  fogadjuk el
stupid  buta


eggplant padlizsán

ham  sonka


pine fenyőfa


French fries   hasábburgonya



take for granted magától értetődőnek venni
examine paradoxes  megvizsgálni az ellentéteket

quicksand   futóhomok

bixing ring   boxoló ring

square   négyzetalakú


guinea pig   tengerimalac





hot as hell  pokolian forró

cold as hell  pokolian hideg


lunacy  őrültség
burn up    felégetni  

burn dawn   leégni


fill out   kitölteni
fill in   beírni