A nevetés az élet egyik nélkülözhetetlen élménye! (István)

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. ~Victor Borge

K = 4kids

Grandpa Grandma Elderly people Retirement where to live?
Mad wife disease Irish Jokes 8 Thoughts to ponder
Smart daughter Medical Exams Making a Baby
The English Laguage Ami jokes   x Biology Exam
Another on English Adult funnies  
Wordlwide English Doctors advice  
Grandparents Best friend Cool exchanges K
Only in America 10 Commandments of marriage Who you  want to be? K
The Health Plan Sex is a dog  x Shorts   K
The Maid Bible class Larry  K
Courtroom Antiques  1   2   3   4 Harlequin novel Updated He said - She said...x

Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.
~Victor Hugo